5 Effective Squat Alternatives for Lower Body Workouts

The barbell back squat is unequivocally one of, if not the best, weight-training exercises for developing strong, muscular legs and glutes. Unfortunately, for many gym-goers and athletes with pre-existing joint injuries or mobility limitations, barbell squats are generally not feasible for a lower-body workout. Research shows that shallow-depth (partial squats) are less effective than full-range-of-motion squats and compromise the movement’s safety [1].
Thankfully, there are a handful of squat alternatives you can implement into a lower body workout if you have restrictions that prevent you from performing the barbell back squat to the proper depth. The best squat alternatives train the same primary muscle groups as a barbell squat, albeit without requiring as much coordination and technique competence. Essentially, these lower body exercises—some of which also indirectly target the upper body—allow you to “squat without squatting,” so to speak.
This article provides an overview of five exceptional squat alternatives that can help you build stronger, more muscular legs and improve your functional fitness capabilities.
Best Squat Alternatives for Your Lower Body Workouts
The prudent way to learn proper squat form is repetition (read: practice), but it’s also wise to incorporate squat alternatives as part of your lower body workout. Using the exercises in this article will help strengthen muscles that might be hindering your ability to perform a regular squat with proper form.
Another notable benefit of the squat alternatives discussed herein is that they are generally less technical and safer for novice-to-intermediate lifters. Even highly advanced lifters and bodybuilders should use squat alternatives as assistance exercises and mass builders.
Removing the technical nature of squats from the equation allows you to focus on moving heavier weights without risking injury. Many of the best squat alternatives are also easier on the joints and don’t require the degree of ankle mobility/flexibility necessary for below-parallel barbell squats.
Leg Press Machine
The primary advantage of using a leg press machine as a squat alternative is that it doesn’t load the spine like barbell squats do. Biomechanically speaking, a proper leg press is very similar to a barbell squat. Hence, the leg press is a great way to simulate a squatting motion with much less chance of injury. It’s also a suitable squat alternative for people with mobility issues stemming from the spine.
Yet, the leg press is arguably the most disrespected lower body exercise in fitness subculture, presumably because bodybuilders and athletes often treat it as an “ego lift.” After all, you can have toothpicks for legs and still leg press a decent amount of weight.
However, just as with squats, the leg press should be performed with a full range of motion for maximal effectiveness. Imagine where your chest would be relative to the top of your knees if you were to squat just below parallel. That’s the same depth you should aim for on the leg press while keeping your hips and glutes firm against the seat/backrest throughout the entire range of motion and bracing your spine.
A major misconception about leg press machines is that you’re supposed to lower the weight sled as far as possible. This is counterproductive and unsafe because it leads to people lifting their glutes/hips off the seat and contorting their spine—a major no-no for staying injury-free. Likewise, loading up 1,000 lbs on the leg press and performing quarter reps isn’t a good idea, either.
How to Perform the Leg Press Properly:
Sit or lie on a leg press machine so your back and glutes are flat against the padding. Place your hands on the machine handles (usually near the hips).
Place your feet shoulder-width apart near the top of the platform (sled). A narrower stance emphasizes the quadriceps, while a wider stance engages the glutes and hamstrings more.
Brace your spine, take a deep breath, and lower the sled until your knees reach a 90- to 110-degree angle. Then, push the platform away from your torso by extending the knees until your legs are nearly straight. Keep your knees bent slightly at the top and exhale.
Repeat step 3 for as many reps as necessary.
Again, do not let your hips/glutes or torso come off the padding at the bottom of the rep by lowering the sled too far; this drastically compromises the safety and effectiveness of leg presses.
Interestingly, research suggests that high-rep leg presses at 40% of one-rep maximum (1RM) are better for stimulating quadriceps growth, while lower-rep sets at 80% of 1RM are superior for targeting the glutes [2].
Straight-Leg Deadlifts
Sometimes referred to as “stiff-leg deadlifts,” straight-leg deadlifts are often neglected despite their versatility and practicality for gym-goers of all experience levels. These are a fantastic squat alternative for people who have a lagging posterior chain (i.e., muscles of the back, glutes, and hamstrings).

The best part about stiff-leg deadlifts is you can use either dumbbells or a barbell to perform them, and they force the hamstrings and glutes to do large amounts of work on both the eccentric (lowering) and concentric (lifting) phases of the movement.
It’s quite common for people to rely on leg curls as their primary form of hamstring training, and this will undoubtedly impact squats in the long run. Leg curls, and most hamstring-isolation exercises, predominantly involve concentric contractions with minimal eccentric tension. Hence, straight-leg deadlifts give you much more “bang for your buck” as a posterior-chain exercise.
Common pitfalls of this exercise are rounding the back too much and locking the knees. Be careful not to develop these habits.
How to Perform the Straight-Leg Deadlift:
Stand with a shoulder-width or narrower stance so your feet when you look down. If using dumbbells, place one parallel to each foot at the side.
Bending at the waist and keeping your spine neutral, reach down and grab the barbell/dumbbells with an overhand grip just outside shoulder-width apart (use lifting straps if necessary).
With your knees slightly bent, lift the weight by extending at hips until standing upright.
From the starting upright position, lower the bar/dumbbell to the top of your feet by bending at the hips (not your knees). Keep your knees ever-so-slightly bent while lowering the weight; retract your scapula, and brace your core throughout the movement to keep your spine as neutral as possible.
Lift the weight by extending the hips and standing upright (make sure not to hyperextend your back at the top).
Repeat steps 4 and 5 for several repetitions to complete a set.
Note: You can also increase the range of motion of straight-leg deadlifts by doing them on an elevated platform.
Good Mornings
The good morning exercise is essentially a straight-leg deadlift with a barbell resting across your upper back (much like it does during a barbell back squat). Like stiff-leg deadlifts, good mornings are a superb squat alternative for developing the posterior chain, especially the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back.
This exercise can be a bit challenging until you get used to the unorthodox mechanics. Play it safe and start with a relatively light weight to focus on form. Avoid trying to “look up” while you do this exercise; your neck/head should remain in line with the rest of your spine, even at the bottom of the good morning.
How to Do Good Mornings:
Position a barbell on the back of your shoulders, right along the midline of the trapezius, with a grip just outside shoulder-width. Do not let the bar ride too high up on your traps or neck as this can put excessive strain on the cervical spine (especially with heavier weights).
Unrack the bar and take a stance outside of shoulder-width. Keeping your torso flat/straight and a slight bend in your knees, hinge at your hips and lower your chest forward until it’s just above parallel to the ground.
Squeeze your glutes and raise the torso back to an upright position by extending at the hips.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 as necessary to achieve your goal number of repetitions.
Be careful not to let your lower back round too much; you should feel the tension mostly in your glutes and hamstrings.
Walking Lunges (Barbell or Dumbbell)
Lunges are another versatile and effective squat alternative for lower-body workouts. They aren’t a technical movement, and they are an excellent way to get your heart rate up while targeting the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, hips, and calves.

You can perform walking lunges with a barbell or dumbbell, whichever feels most comfortable and challenges you.
As an alternative to back squats, lunges tend to be less strenuous on the knees since you’ll use comparatively lighter weights. If you find that lunges aggravate your knees, try leaning your torso/chest slightly forward during the movement. Many people will find this alleviates undue knee strain.
How to Do Lunges:
Position the barbell on your upper back (across the top of your shoulder blades and along the trapezius) and grip it just outside your shoulder width, tucking your elbows under the bar. If you use dumbbells, hold one in each hand at your sides throughout the exercise. Your feet should be your normal standing distance apart.
Take a deep breath and tighten your core, now lunge forward with the left leg in a normal length stride (don’t go too far as this will compromise your balance). Be mindful of landing on your heel and not your forefoot.
Lower your hips by flexing your forward knee until the knee of your opposite (trailing) leg nearly touches the floor.
Complete the lunge by pressing off the floor through the forward foot’s heel, using the toes of your opposite foot to keep your balance and return to an upright position.
Repeat steps 2-4 with the opposite leg to complete a repetition with each side.
Repeat steps 2-5 as necessary to meet your goal repetitions for the set.
Generally, lunges should be performed for sets of at least eight reps per side. (Complete all reps on one leg before switching to the other leg.)
Bulgarian Split Squats
The Bulgarian split squat is a deceptively challenging unilateral squat variation that can be done with dumbells, kettlebells, a barbell, or your body weight. This exercise targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core, requiring a mix of balance and strength.
How to Perform a Bulgarian Split Squat:
Begin by standing about two feet in front of a bench or elevated surface, with your feet hip-width apart. To get into the starting position, place one foot behind you, resting the top of your foot on the bench.
Ensure your front foot is firmly planted on the ground with your toes pointing forward. Your feet should be hip-width apart to maintain balance.
Engage your core muscles and slowly lower your body by bending the knee of your front leg. Maintain an upright torso throughout the movement.
Continue lowering until your front thigh is parallel to the ground and your back knee is just above the floor. To minimize strain, avoid letting your front knee track over your toes.
Press through the heel of your front foot to return to the starting position, ensuring your movements are controlled and deliberate.
Complete the desired number of reps for one leg before switching to the other leg. Maintain proper form throughout to maximize benefits and reduce injury risk.
The Honorable Mentions of Squat Training
Belt squats, pistol squats, goblet squats, hack squats, zercher squats, and front squats are all noteworthy squat variants with unique benefits. However, we didn't include them in this article since they require either specialized equipment or are even more challenging than regular barbell squats from a technique standpoint. The exercises mentioned above are generally easy to learn, safe, and accessible.

Are Back Squats the Best Lower Body Exercise?
Barbell back squats are arguably the best all-around lower-body exercise. You could turn your thighs into veritable tree trunks by doing nothing but the barbell back squat for your lower body workout routine. In fact, you use virtually every major muscle group in the trunk and lower body during barbell squats [3].
Needless to say, nothing builds a strong foundation like heavy squats (as long as they are done “ass to grass”). However, performing the barbell back squat with proper form requires quite a bit of practice and technicality that even advanced trainees struggle to master.
We’ve all seen the gym-goers who load up the bar with way too much weight and “squat” with a three-inch range of motion. Would you ever do bicep curls with a two-inch range of motion to build bigger arms?
Hopefully not, and squats are no exception.
As squat depth increases, so does gluteal muscle activation [4]. In other words, you’re much better off reducing the weight and squatting with proper form throughout the entire range of motion.
Squat all the way down until the crease in your hip is slightly below parallel with the top of your thigh, keeping your chest up throughout the movement. If you can go deeper without compromising your spine, go for it.
In some cases, using a safety squat bar can help you achieve proper depth and spare your shoulders from the strain of using an Olympic straight bar.
Using Squat Alternatives to Improve Your Actual Barbell Back Squat
While no exercise can ever really replace barbell squats, the aforementioned squat alternatives will certainly help pack lean mass on your legs and glutes safely. Over time, the lower body strength and muscle growth from these exercises will carry over by targeting the same muscle groups as traditional barbell squats.
With that in mind, make sure to perform the squat alternatives we discussed with proper form, and don’t let your ego get ahead of you. Lifting a lot of weight can be exhilarating, and hitting new personal records is always encouraging. But improper form and careless technique lead to injury, and you’re not going to be building much muscle if you’re hurt.
Quality over quantity is the name of the game for long-term muscle growth.
And, of course, proper nutrition is imperative for maximizing performance and recovery. Muscle building starts with protein, so be sure to read: How to Determine Optimal Protein Intake
Check out our squat calculator to calculate your one-rep-max. And if you're looking for a strength-based back workout, we've got you covered there too.