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TL x Diana Conforti - Hydrate Cherry Watermelon


Transparent Labs Hydrate is a sugar-free electrolyte powder that delivers clinically proven minerals and amino acids to help you stay hydrate...

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Transparent Labs Hydrate is a sugar-free electrolyte powder that delivers clinically proven minerals and amino acids to help you stay hydrate...


Transparent Labs Hydrate is a sugar-free electrolyte powder that delivers clinically proven minerals and amino acids to help you stay hydrated throughout the day and during training.


For a limited time, try Diana’s exclusive new flavor, or get the full bundle including the TL x Diana signature tumbler.


Key Features:


  • Pure Electrolytes for Optimal Hydration: Formulated with a bioavailable electrolyte mixture to promote optimal hydration, including TRAACS® calcium bisglycinate, Aquamin™ magnesium, sodium from Himalayan rock salt, taurine, and natural potassium from organic coconut water powder.
  • Enhanced with Senactiv™: Patented adaptogen complex that supports exercise performance and muscle recovery at the subcellular level.
  • Gluten-Free, Non-GMO, and Naturally Sweetened with Stevia: Sweetened naturally with stevia leaf extract; no added sugar or hidden carbohydrates like other electrolyte supplements.
  • Third-Party Tested and Certified for Quality: As part of our commitment to industry-leading transparency and quality, every batch of this product is tested by a third-party lab for purity and potency. You can find all of our test results in the footer of our website. This product is also certified by Informed Choice to meet the highest standards for athletes and consumers.

Active Ingredients and Benefits


Senactiv™ | 50 mg: SenActiv® is a patented, clinically studied ergogenic adaptogen complex that provides highly purified and fractionated extracts of Panax notoginseng and Rosa roxburghii (rose hips). The unique phytochemicals in SenActiv® have been shown to enhance subcellular processes that accelerate muscle recovery after exhaustive exercise [1]. These compounds also possess adaptogenic properties to facilitate athletic performance and healthy aging [2].


Taurine | 1,000 mg: Taurine is a naturally occurring sulfonic acid not abundant in the diet. Supplementing with taurine provides cell-hydrating properties and neuroprotective effects throughout the nervous system [3]. In addition, a recent meta-analysis concluded that taurine can significantly enhance stamina, strength, and power capacity during exercise, and it appears to have a range of cognitive benefits as well [4].


Calcium (as TRAACS® Calcium Bisglycinate and Di-Calcium Phosphate) | 84 mg: Calcium is an essential mineral for enhancing the integrity of bone and promoting the growth, proliferation, and differentiation of bone cells [5]. It’s also a crucial micronutrient in muscles as it associates with mitochondria in muscle cells to stimulate ATP synthesis [6]. To ensure optimal efficacy and absorption, TL Hydrate features TRAACS chelated calcium and dicalcium phosphate, two highly bioavailable forms of supplemental calcium [7].


Magnesium (as Aquamin™ Mg) | 50 mg: Extracted from red algae, Aquamin™ is a natural source of magnesium and 72 other trace minerals. Magnesium is a vital electrolyte mineral that has ubiquitous roles in the body, one of which is regulating muscle contraction [8]. Aquamin® Magnesium provides magnesium in its native ionic state for optimal biocompatibility. Magnesium deficiency is well-known to cause issues with the intestines and often contributes to constipation and dehydration [9]. As such, consuming adequate amounts of bioavailable magnesium is imperative for active individuals.


Sodium (as Sodium Citrate and from Himalayan Rock Salt) | 500 mg: Sodium is the primary positive ion (cation) in the fluid outside of cells. It modulates the amount of water in the body and the movement of sodium into and out of cells is essential for proper cell-to-cell signaling.


Potassium (as Potassium Citrate, Potassium Chloride, and from Organic Coconut Water) | 250 mg: As a counterpart to sodium, potassium is the primary cationic (positively charged) electrolyte inside cells. The balance of sodium and potassium is particularly important for cellular hydration, and potassium is necessary for intra- and inter-cellular signaling, as well as being a substrate for skeletal muscle contraction.


Organic Coconut Water Powder | 500 mg: Coconut water powder removes the sugary and fatty constituents of coconut water while retaining the essential electrolyte micronutrients, such as magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and sodium. Due to its abundant electrolyte profile, coconut water can rapidly rehydrate athletes after intense exercise, making it ideal for pre-, intra-, and post-workout supplementation [11].

Clinically Dosed, 100% Natural.

Science-Backed Formulas, Clinically Effective Dosages.

No Artificial Sweeteners, Colors, or Flavors.

3rd-Party Lab Tested.

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