Paul Sklar: Achieving Peak Performance at 52 – Insights from a Fitness Legend

At 52 years old, Paul Sklar is a powerhouse of fitness and motivation. His dedication to staying fit and healthy has inspired countless people. 

Balancing a busy life with five kids, a successful business, and a history as a world-ranked athlete, Paul is also a motivational speaker reaching millions. 

We recently caught up with Paul for a Q&A session where he shared some of his insights on fitness, motivation, and nutrition. 

1. The Beginning of Paul’s Fitness Journey

How Did Paul Get Started?

Paul’s fitness journey began with inspiration from his father, a former athlete. At eight years old, Paul's dad took him to football practice, which sparked his interest in sports and was further fueled by his father's achievements in baseball. Paul explored various sports, from wrestling to baseball, until a knee injury led him to discover his true passion for running and track and field.


  • Family inspiration can be powerful.
  • Early experiences and role models often play a crucial role in shaping our fitness journeys.

2. Staying Motivated

How Does Paul Stay Motivated on Tough Days?

Paul admits that even he has days when he doesn’t feel like working out. The key? Setting goals. Having clear objectives helps him stay focused and consistent. Plus, he wants to be active for his kids and be a role model.


  • Set clear goals and find external motivators, like family, to stay on track.

3. Advice for Beginners

What’s Paul's Advice for Fitness Newbies?

Paul emphasizes that fitness is a long-term journey. It's not about quick fixes but about consistent effort over time. Starting slow and being consistent is much more beneficial than intense, sporadic workouts.


  • Think long-term and stay consistent.
  • Small, regular efforts add up over time.

4. Balancing Fitness and Life

How Do Paul Balance Everything?

Paul admits that balancing fitness with a busy life is tough, so he schedules workouts like business meetings and fits in quick exercises during breaks when he can. Taking care of himself is crucial for being able to care for his family.


  • Make time for fitness by scheduling it.
  • Prioritize self-care to better care for others.

5. Overcoming Challenges

What Was Paul's Biggest Challenge?

Paul once faced a life-threatening MRSA infection that required immense resilience to overcome. His recovery was slow, but he never gave up, relying on his mental strength and support from loved ones.


  • Overcoming big challenges requires mental strength and a solid support system.
  • Never give up, even when it's tough.

6. Training Methodology

What’s Paul's Training Style Like?

Paul likes to mix things up, using dumbbells, barbells, and kettlebells to keep workouts interesting. He also combines cardio with weight training to maximize his time and effort.


  • A varied and efficient training routine can keep you engaged and ensure well-rounded fitness.

7. Top Exercises

What Are Paul's Go-To Exercises?

Paul incorporates several foundational exercises into his routine, emphasizing both strength and rehabilitation. Here are his top picks:

  • Why He Loves Them: Deadlifts are a cornerstone of Paul’s training. They have been instrumental in his rehabilitation, especially for his lower back issues.
  • Paul's Insight: "The deadlift for me was the one exercise that allowed me to rehab my lower back and I've done it ever since. I've never hurt my back doing a deadlift."
Biceps Curls:
  • Why He Loves Them: While some may dismiss biceps curls as a vanity exercise, Paul finds them incredibly beneficial for overall strength and muscle balance.
  • Paul's Insight: "Everyone knows I love biceps curls... I've shown videos where I'm doing biceps curls and my heart rate gets up to 170 and my abs are working, my shoulders are working."
Bench Press:
  • Why He Loves Them: The bench press remains a staple in Paul's routine, especially as he focuses on maintaining strength as he ages.
  • Paul's Insight: "As I've gotten older, bench press is probably my weakest area so it's something I concentrate on the most."
  • Incorporate fundamental exercises like deadlifts, curls, and bench presses into your routine for balanced fitness.

8. Weekly Routine

What’s Paul's Weekly Workout Routine?

Paul’s weekly workout routine is designed to be both comprehensive and adaptable. He ensures a balance between training and family time. Here's how he structures his week:

Monday: Chest and Back

  • Exercises: Chest press, pull-ups, cable flies.
  • Focus: Building upper body strength with a mix of pushing and pulling movements.
  • Paul's Insight: "I train five days a week Monday through Friday and I leave the weekends as time with the family."

Tuesday: Legs and Light Shoulders

  • Exercises: Squats, lunges, shoulder presses.
  • Focus: Lower body strength and stability, combined with shoulder conditioning.
  • Paul's Insight: "I do change up my exercises, I do multi-set a lot so one day it could be a chest press followed by a chest fly and then the next week it could be a chest fly followed by a chest press."

Wednesday: Arms

  • Exercises: Biceps curls, triceps dips, hammer curls.
  • Focus: Isolating the arm muscles to improve definition and strength.
  • Paul's Insight: "I will typically break my workouts into two body parts a day. It could be a chest and back day on a Monday, could be legs and light shoulders on Tuesday, then back again with arms Wednesday."

Thursday: Triceps and Biceps

  • Exercises: Triceps pushdowns, biceps curls, triceps extensions.
  • Focus: Further refining arm strength and endurance.
  • Paul's Insight: "Sometimes I will do triceps and biceps on the same day to really target those areas."

Friday: Chest

  • Exercises: Bench press, incline dumbbell press, chest flies.
  • Focus: Concentrating on chest development with varied angles and equipment.
  • Paul's Insight: "I like to keep the body guessing but at the same time let the body understand what it's about to do so that it can mobilize and get more strength out of it."

Weekend: Rest and Family Time

  • Focus: Ensuring balance and recovery by spending quality time with family and allowing the body to recuperate.
  • Paul's Insight: "Weekends are reserved for family, maintaining work-life balance."

Need help crafting your own workout plan? Check out these options from the TL Vault.


  • A well-structured weekly routine with rest days supports both physical fitness and personal well-being.

9. Misconceptions in Fitness

What Are Some Common Fitness Myths?

Paul busts the myth that cardio alone is enough for weight loss. He emphasizes the importance of weight training for muscle development and metabolism. He also warns against restrictive diets, advocating for intuitive eating instead.


  • Combine cardio with weight training and practice intuitive eating for sustainable fitness.

10. Supplement Use

What Supplements Does Paul Take? (And How Does he Take Them)

Paul uses Transparent Labs’ Whey Protein Isolate, Creatine HMB, Collagen and BCAAs. He finds these supplements help him meet his nutritional needs and support his workouts.

1. Whey Protein Isolate

Paul starts his day with a serving of Whey Protein Isolate mixed with water, sometimes adding berries or peanut butter for extra flavor and nutrients. He also consumes another serving within 30 minutes post-workout to aid in muscle recovery and growth.

Excerpt from Interview: "I use the Whey Protein Isolate from Transparent Labs. It is not only great tasting but it's healthy. I researched Transparent Labs for months before I actually decided that this was going to be the product for me. The Whey Protein Isolate is my go-to. I'll have that before I work out, I put other things in it sometimes, berries or peanut butter. I mix it with water and then after my workout within a half an hour I usually do a scoop to a scoop and a half..."

2. Creatine HMB

Paul combines Creatine HMB with his post-workout protein shake. This combination helps enhance muscle growth and improve recovery without causing bloating or cramping. He ensures he drinks plenty of water to maximize its effectiveness.

Excerpt from Interview: "...combined with Creatine HMB. The Transparent Labs Creatine HMB is solid stuff, it's phenomenal stuff. No I don't get any bloating, I don't get any side effects like cramping from it. You have to make sure you drink a decent amount of water."

3. Collagen

Every morning, Paul adds a scoop of chocolate collagen to his coffee. This routine not only makes his coffee more enjoyable but also supports joint health and provides an additional protein boost to start his day.

Excerpt from Interview: "My morning routine is the same every single morning. I don't really care for coffee but when I put the chocolate collagen in my coffee, that's what makes it. So yeah, start every morning the same with coffee and chocolate collagen."

4. BCAAs

Paul takes BCAAs before his workouts to give him a boost of energy and support muscle endurance. He finds that this supplement helps him push through tough training sessions with better performance and reduced fatigue.

Excerpt from Interview: "Now BCAAs are moderately controversial, some people say they work some people say they don't. You can take a look at a lot of different studies, I have been using the BCAAs before my workouts and they seem to give me a decent amount of energy so that's one that I've added to my program that I think really really helps."


  • High-quality supplements can support your fitness goals, especially when your diet falls short.

11. Nutrition Misconceptions

What Does Paul Think of Diets?

Paul believes in intuitive eating over restrictive diets. He focuses on whole foods and listens to his body’s needs rather than following fad diets.


  • Intuitive eating and focusing on whole foods can lead to better long-term health.

12. Long-Term Health Advice

What’s Your Advice for Long-Term Health?

Avoid shortcuts like performance-enhancing drugs. Paul stresses the importance of consistent exercise to maintain higher testosterone levels naturally.


  • Stay consistent with your workouts and avoid harmful shortcuts for sustainable health.

13. Passion and Enjoyment

How Does Paul Stay Passionate About Fitness?

For Paul, fitness is a passion, not just a job. He finds joy in working out and sees it as vital for his mental and physical health.


  • Find passion in your fitness journey.
  • It will keep you motivated and make it enjoyable.

14. Healthier Industry Trends

What’s Pauls Take on the Supplement Industry?

Paul values transparency in supplements and appreciates brands like Transparent Labs that offer clean, well-researched products. He believes consumer awareness is driving the industry towards healthier options.


Choose supplements wisely and prioritize transparency and quality.

15. Supplements and Vitamins

Does Paul Take Any Other Supplements?

Paul occasionally takes vitamin D and fish oils and believes in the benefits of multivitamins, especially from brands like Transparent Labs.


  • Supplements can enhance health, but whole foods should remain the core of your diet.


Paul Sklar’s journey is a testament to the power of consistency, resilience, and passion. His advice for those starting their fitness journey is clear: set long-term goals, stay consistent, and avoid shortcuts.

Paul’s partnership with Transparent Labs highlights his commitment to quality and peak performance.

For more insights from Paul Sklar and to watch the full Q&A video, visit Transparent Labs.

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