Endomorph Diet Plan and Workout Routine: Build Muscle and Burn Fat

Endomorph Diet Plan and Workout Routine

Are you someone who can gain weight more easily than you’re able to lose it? No matter how many diet fads or workout routines you try, you seem to struggle to lose those extra pounds and, not to mention, keep them off for good.

If this sounds like you, there’s a good chance you have an endomorph body type. 

Perhaps you have been dieting and exercising all wrong. Read on to find out what the most effective endomorph diet and workout look like to help you lose weight easily. 

What Is the Endomorph Body Type?

Body types, also known as somatotypes, are used to describe a person’s body shape, athletic build or physique, and personality characteristics.

An endomorph is one of three body types with a rounded physique, often described as “curvy” in nature. Endomorphs tend to have larger bone structures, wider set joints, and typically carry most of their weight around their midsection. 

People with an endomorph body type have a slower metabolism causing them to store fat easier than others. Compared to an ectomorph or mesomorph, an endomorph has a higher body fat percentage despite engaging in a similar diet and exercise routine as the other somatotypes [1]. 

Though it can be a little more challenging for endomorphs to lose excess fat, having the proper guidance on what to eat and how to train can make all the difference. 

Endomorphs and Insulin Sensitivity

Insulin is an important hormone in our bodies that allows blood sugar to enter the cells and be used as a source of energy. Individuals who have low insulin sensitivity or become resistant (i.e. type II diabetes) are prone to uncontrollable spikes in blood sugar levels which can lead to various health problems [2]. 

People with an endomorph body type tend to be at increased risk of insulin resistance as an outcome of weight gain. Though this may not always be the case, many endomorphs are incapable of disposing of high glucose loads, leading to erratic blood sugar swings after starchy/sugary meals.

Hence, the best endomorph diet plan is generally a little lower in carbohydrates but higher in protein and fats.

How to Lose Weight (Body Fat) and Build Muscle Mass as an Endomorph

When it comes to having an endomorph body type, losing weight is important. This can be done by combining a healthy diet with specific workout routines to increase lean muscle and burn stubborn belly fat. 

Foods to Include in an Endomorph Diet

When we compare a soccer player to a heavyweight powerlifter, it’s clear to see that different body types will have different nutritional requirements. 

Endomorphs not only have specific calorie intake needs based on their body weight and fitness goals, but can also benefit by incorporating specific foods into their diet.

High Protein and Fat 

Since endomorphs tend to be more sensitive to high-glycemic carbohydrates, they often fare better on a low-carb diet that is rich in lean protein and healthy fats [3]. 

Foods high in protein such as beef, chicken, eggs, quinoa, or lentils are more satiating and can help control hunger, promote muscle development, and assist with weight loss. Additionally, healthy sources of fat (i.e. monounsaturated and polyunsaturated omega-3 or omega-6 fatty acids) including salmon, avocados, peanut butter, nuts, or olive oil help regulate appetite hormones and reduce hunger [4, 5]. 

Avoid refined carbs 

As mentioned earlier, endomorph body types tend to be carbohydrate sensitive and are able to convert refined carbs into sugar to be stored as fat. For this reason, it’s important to avoid refined carbohydrates such as white bread, desserts, and breakfast cereal. Not only do they contain little to no nutritional value, but they are more likely to convert excess calories into fat.

Don’t forget the dietary fiber


Endomorphs can also benefit from increasing their intake of dietary fiber to help boost satiety, improve insulin tolerance, and help maintain weight loss. According to the Centers for Disease and Prevention, fiber is shown to control blood sugar levels, keeping these values in a target range to prevent or manage diabetes [6].

Both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber provide substantial health benefits for endomorphs and are integral to a well-balanced diet. 

Soluble fiber dissolves in water to form a gel-like paste in your stomach to help slow digestion and lower blood sugar. Excellent sources of soluble fiber include apples, bananas, rolled oats, Brussels sprouts, black beans, lima beans, and avocados [7]. 

On the other hand, we have insoluble fiber which does not dissolve in water and passes through the stomach in full form. Insoluble fiber can be found in whole wheat flour, nuts, seeds, bran, and the skins of some fruits and veggies [8]. 

Endomorph Workout Plan

Exercising is the number one way to burn calories, increase metabolism, and burn fat. Depending on your fitness goals and body type, there are a number of ways to train your body to promote positive physiological changes. 

We’ve curated the perfect two-part endomorph workout plan to target fat loss and improve muscle density to help encourage weight loss. 

Part 1: High-Intensity Interval Training

High-intensity interval training (HITT) is a form of cardio that has been proven to be an effective weight-loss strategy. HIIT is a recommended endomorph workout since it helps you burn more calories, promote increased muscle efficiency, boost metabolism, and prevent age-related muscle loss [9, 10, 11]

Research has found that 3 weeks of HIIT for a span of 15 weeks was shown to induce significant reductions in overall weight, subcutaneous leg and trunk fat, and insulin resistance compared to other forms of cardio [12]. 

Here are some popular methods of HIIT:

  • Tabata — 20 seconds work followed by 10 seconds rest for a duration of 4 minutes 

  • HIIT Sprint — 30 seconds work followed by 4 minutes rest for a duration of 18-24 minutes 

  • One-to-One HIIT — 30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds of rest for a duration of 10 minutes 

  • Tempo Run — 50-yard maximum sprint followed by a slow walk back to the beginning for a duration of 10 minutes 

  • Sport Specific HIIT — 5/10/15 seconds of work followed by 10/20/30 seconds of rest for a duration of 6-8 minutes 

Part 2: Resistance Training

Weight lifting has been proven to be one of the most effective strategies for weight loss. According to research, the combination of a healthy diet (ideally in a calorie deficit) and consistent resistance training has been shown to increase muscle mass, improve body composition, and help burn more fat than cardio alone [13].

The best weight-training exercises for endomorphs are compound exercises that engage multiple muscle groups and joints simultaneously. Since there is greater fat-burning potential when engaging large muscle groups, such as the glutes, hamstrings, or quads, you expend more calories doing a back squat or deadlift than a bicep curl.

Endomorph Body Type: Key Takeaways

Eating and working out based on your body type can provide greater long-term benefits. If you have a slow metabolism, tend to gain weight easily, and have low insulin sensitivity, we recommend following an endomorph diet and exercise program. Not only can this help you lose those extra pounds, but it provides the foundation for healthy, lifelong habits.

If you're closer to one of the other somatotypes, check out our Mesomorph and Ectomorph Guides!

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