Decline vs Incline vs Flat Bench: [And What's Easier?]

How many times have you gone head-to-head with a fellow gym-goer to see who can move the most weight on the bench press? No exercise has been the determination of superior strength like the barbell bench press, specifically the flat bench press.

But how do you grow a fully sculptured chest: flat bench press vs decline bench press vs incline bench press?

To target your upper pec, an incline chest press is an excellent exercise as it puts more stress on that area. On the other hand, the flat bench press helps build mass over the entire pec. As the incline chest press heavily involves your deltoids (shoulders) at this angle, it's usually recommended that you avoid working on them the next day.

While it may look easy, it’s actually one of the most difficult exercises to do properly. In this guide, we’ll break down the proper benching technique so you'll reap the benefits of this exercise

Flat bench presses aren’t the only strength-training exercise that builds the chest muscle. There are also incline and decline bench presses. Switching up the angle of benching and adding some secondary chest exercises to your regimen will create a well-rounded strength-training workout.

By the end of this article, you'll know how to leverage all of your benching options in the pursuit of a stronger, bigger chest.

The 3 Pillars of Bench Presses

The barbell bench press is the standard weightlifting exercise upon which many proud pectorals have been crafted. When you simplify bodybuilding into the “Big 3 Powerlifting Exercises” for building strength and stimulating hypertrophy, the flat bench press is one of them, right beside squats and deadlifts.

The pillars of chest growth include three barbell bench press variations: the flat bench press, the incline bench press, and the decline bench press. Each of these exercises promotes chest growth in various ways. Knowing which areas these bench presses specifically target will be your key to developing the sculpted chest you want.

1. Flat Barbell Bench Press for a Full Chest Focus

The flat barbell bench press is a powerful tool for activating your entire pectoral region. It's a superior chest exercise for building mass and strength.

While the flat bench press is a great exercise for building your chest, it is also one of the most challenging to do properly. If your upper arms get tired but your chest doesn't, you're not performing this barbell press properly. Your chest muscles should be fully activated, and your arms shouldn't be doing a bulk of the movement. 

The flat barbell bench press also utilizes the anterior deltoids and triceps. When performed correctly, the lats, lower back, and glutes are also firmly tensed.

How to Perform a Flat Bench Press

Your arms should be parallel to the barbell and your hands wider than shoulder-width apart. Lock your shoulders back and squeeze your shoulder blades together. 

While performing a rep, squeeze your chest together. The bar should touch just below your nipples. Focus less on the weight going up and more on the curving motion from pectoral to elbow. Keep your entire body controlled and stable throughout the movement.

Use a lighter weight if you're new to this exercise, as you will need to keep your overbearing shoulders and triceps at bay.

When performing the flat bench press, bodybuilders tend to lift with the bar slightly closer to their neck than a powerlifter to stimulate more muscle growth, whereas a powerlifter lifts to move more weight via form. Doing this under heavy weight is a risk to your shoulders and elbows, especially the rotator cuff muscles.

Secondary Upper-Chest Exercises

  • The flat dumbbell chest press has several advantages over a flat barbell bench press: greater range of motion, more muscle symmetry, and better stabilizer activation
  • The cable chest fly is an isolation chest exercise by default, but it's still valuable. Like the dumbbell chest press, cable chest flys are good for adding more training volume  and stimulating outer chest muscle growth.
  • While standard push-ups are not popular in the gym, there is no denying their effectiveness. If you struggle to add variety to your chest routine or your gym lacks weight training equipment, do push-ups after benching for more muscle activation.

    2. Incline Barbell Bench Press for an Upper-Chest Focus

    Incline bench press vs decline bench press vs flat bench press

    The incline bench press is performed like the flat bench press but on an angle. For beginners, the incline barbell bench press is an easier exercise form-wise, especially with a wider grip.

    What Does Incline Bench Work? Incline bench presses target the upper portion of the pectoral muscles, which is composed of the clavicular and sternocostal heads of the pectoralis major. By focusing more work on the upper pecs, incline presses can help develop this area of the chest.

    The only difference is the incline barbell bench press activates less of the middle and lower chest, which allows you to feel your upper chest more while performing the exercise.

    The incline barbell bench press is best used to increase hypertrophy in the upper pectoralis major (the part that connects to your collarbone). However, you will need to focus to isolate the upper pecs. In other words, don’t count on assisting muscles to help carry the load.

    Is Incline Bench Harder? In comparison to other bench variations, the incline bench press is often considered more difficult. This is due to the incline reducing your capacity to engage your pec muscles in their entirety effectively, and instead, it places greater emphasis on the upper pecs and shoulders, placing your upper body in a less advantageous position.

    How to Perform an Incline Bench Press

    Set your adjustable bench to either a 15-degree or 30-degree angle. Your arms should be parallel to the barbell and your hands roughly wider than shoulder-width apart. Lock your shoulders back and squeeze your shoulder blades together. 

    When performing your rep, focus on squeezing your upper chest together. Instead of touching the bar below your nipples like the flat bench press, touch it between your collarbone and nipples. Keep your body controlled and stable the entire time.

    Like the flat bench press, the incline bench press places strain on your shoulders and elbows. Heavy weights exacerbate this, so it's best not to do incline bench presses if you have nagging joint pain in the shoulders or elbows.

    Secondary Upper Chest Exercises

    • The incline dumbbell chest press is a favorite due to the extra range of motion dumbbells allow. The option to drop the weights at each side gives you the ability to work until absolute failure without a spotter. You can't do this with an incline barbell bench press.
    • For extra upper-chest activation, rotate your palms for a reverse grip incline chest press. This stimulates the upper-inner chest near your collarbones. Reverse grip exercises for the upper chest can be performed with either a barbell or dumbbells, but dumbbells tend to be more forgiving.

    If you don't want to utilize a reverse grip (or simply want to destroy your upper chest), the upwards cable chest fly is a suitable exercise for the clavicular-connecting pectoral tissue. Be mindful of your form and don’t use excessive weights. Too much weight will recruit supporting muscles to take over the lift.

    3. Decline Barbell Bench Press for a Lower-Chest Focus

    The decline bench press is less challenging than the flat bench as it engages the lower pectoral muscles more and the shoulder muscles less. When you bring the barbell towards your lower chest, the bench's angle specifically targets your lower pecs, providing them with substantial focus and stimulation.

    The decline bench press is also by far the least utilized press in the gym, but as just mentioned, it has several benefits.

    The standard flat bench press is the overall winner for maximum chest hypertrophy stimulation and strength building, but the decline bench press is effective at activating your lower pecs and pectoralis major while placing less strain on your shoulders.

    Incline bench press vs decline bench press vs flat bench press

    In addition to the pectoralis major and minor, the decline bench press also works the triceps, serratus anterior, and lats to a lesser degree. Luckily, very little emphasis is put on the shoulders when performed alongside a spotter.

    The decline barbell bench press offers the same basic benefits as the flat bench press with additional emphasis on the lower pecs. While there is still triceps activation, shoulder stress is reduced greatly with proper form. The decline barbell bench press is a great way to add variation and extra volume to a standard chest routine without compromising the shoulders.

    How to Perform a Decline Bench Press

    Set your adjustable bench to either a 15-degree or 30-degree angle. Secure your legs and stabilize your body. Your arms should be parallel to the barbell, and your hands should be roughly wider than shoulder-width apart.

    When performing your rep, squeeze your lower chest together. As you bring the barbell down, it should touch at the lower end of your sternum, below your nipples. Keep your entire body controlled and stable the entire time.

    For the decline barbell bench press, proper form is important. Start with light weights and transition to heavier weights when you feel comfortable.

    Secondary Exercises for Lower Chest

    • A decline dumbbell chest press is more difficult to get into position compared to the barbell variation. However, the added range of motion makes for some great pumps.
    • Lower cable flys can be used to stimulate growth, but they’re usually performed at a light weight with extreme lower chest isolation to tone and give the pecs a strong undercut.
    • Dips performed leaning slightly forward are effective for targeting the lower chest and getting a good triceps workout at once. Dips are a great way to complete chest day.
    • The effectiveness of pushups can't be denied, especially when performed on an incline. To perform an incline pushup, place your hands on a bench seat instead of the ground. Make it more challenging by starting at a steeper incline.

    What Are the Benefits of Dumbbell Bench Presses?

    For every barbell bench press variation, we've included a dumbbell press. The benefits of utilizing dumbbell chest presses in your strength routine include:

    • You get more range of motion with dumbbells, because there is extra mobility at both the top and the bottom of each press. That leads to greater, more complete muscle activation in your upper body.
    • Training with dumbbells requires greater stability, which is accomplished by the recruitment of accessory muscles. As these accessory muscles grow, you become stronger, more stable, and less injury-prone.

    You’ll gain muscle more evenly. During barbell exercises, it is possible for your dominant side to train harder than your less-dominant side. Free weights, on the other hand, do not share the load between both arms. As a result, muscles will grow more symmetrically.

    A Final Word on Flat Bench Presses and Other Chest Exercises

    When it comes to working your chest, you have options: flat bench press, incline bench press, decline bench press, and variations for each.. When performed correctly, these chest exercises activate all of your pectoral muscles to varying degrees. The flat bench press is generally the best of the bunch, especially for beginner bodybuilders.

    However, we believe the best way to grow chest muscle mass and strength is to base your entire chest workout around all three main barbell chest presses. From there, you can diversify your workout with a collection of accessory lifts that also activate the entire chest.

    Want a guaranteed way to increase your bench press? Try our expert formulated TransparentLabs StrengthSeries Creatine HMB for the most scientifically-backed supplement for upping your gains.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Decline vs Incline Bench | Which is Better?

    Both the decline and incline bench presses offer distinct advantages. The incline press emphasizes the upper chest and shoulders, promoting overall strength development. The decline press, on the other hand, allows for heavier weights to be lifted due to its shorter range of motion and is ideal for lower chest muscle development. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on one's personal fitness goals and preferences.

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