The 12 Best Foods for Heart Health | Nutrient-Rich Choices for Your Heart

The cardiovascular system is the most vital body system, working to deliver nutrients and oxygen to all other areas of the body. At the center of the cardiovascular system is the heart, which constantly receives deoxygenated blood to be re-oxygenated and pumped back into circulation. The heart does this 24/7, from the moment we're born until the day we die.
Naturally, when the heart fails, the body shuts down—sometimes for good. Shockingly, cardiovascular disease (CVD)—not cancer—is the leading cause of death in the United States and most first-world countries [1].
As grim as that sounds, there's good news: the heart is trainable and amenable to change, especially vis-à-vis our dietary habits.
Clinical evidence suggests there is a strong correlation between chronic oxidative stress and cardiac arrest (heart failure), atherosclerosis, and heart disease [2]. Foods that are plentiful in micronutrients and antioxidants are essential for mitigating cellular oxidative stress, which then reduces damage to the myocardium — the muscle tissue of the heart — and the likelihood of a heart condition.
So, what are the best heart-healthy foods to include in your diet? Read on as we take a look at twelve nutritious foods that protect your heart, according to science.
12 Foods for Heart-Healthy Eating
If you came here expecting the usual advice of eating more lean meats, whole grains/whole-grain bread, and low-fat dairy products, well, you're in for a surprise. While you'll find plenty of fruits and vegetables on the list, there are some "hidden gems" that go overlooked for cardiovascular disease prevention. So, grab your grocery shopping list and jot down these twelve underappreciated heart-healthy foods:
# 1 - Avocados
Avocados are an exceptional source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) [3]. Contrary to the saturated fats found in red meat, pork, and lard, the monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in avocados do not clog the arteries or increase low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels (read: "bad" cholesterol).
In fact, avocados do the opposite—they reduce LDL cholesterol, increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (read: "good" cholesterol), and enhance blood lipid profiles [4].
Note that the fatty acid composition of avocados is similar to olives (and olive oil), so you can't go wrong by replacing saturated fat sources in your diet with either of these foods. But of course, be mindful of the calorie content when eating avocados and adding olive oil to recipes, as it can add up quickly.
# 2 - Tomatoes
Tomatoes are one of Mother Nature's richest sources of three potent antioxidants: lycopene, lutein, and zeaxanthin. While these micronutrients are revered for reducing macular degeneration, they are also essential for protecting the heart through several mechanisms.
Notably, lycopene hinders the activity of an enzyme involved in cholesterol synthesis, consequently lowering LDL ("bad" cholesterol) in the body [5]. High intakes of lutein and zeaxanthin are associated with lower levels of vascular inflammation, and a recent meta-analysis suggests those who consume more of these antioxidants are less likely to develop atherosclerosis and metabolic syndrome [6].
Cardiologists will often advise patients with high cholesterol to consume 10,000 mcg of lycopene daily and a combined 100 mcg of lutein + zeaxanthin, which are the amounts found in about four ounces of tomato juice. Alternatively, you can add some diced tomatoes to foods like salads, omelets, wraps, and sandwiches to get more lycopene, lutein, and zeaxanthin in your diet.
# 3 - Berries
Per gram, berries, specifically goji berries, acai berries, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries, are the densest sources of polyphenol antioxidants in nature. Clinical findings suggest that consumption of the distinct polyphenols found in berries is associated with lower levels of inflammatory biomarkers tied to heart disease [7]. Berry polyphenols, namely anthocyanins, have also been shown to reduce heart tissue degeneration and blood pressure [8].
Moreover, berries are an excellent source of fiber, with upwards of 5-6 grams in a 150-gram portion (about 1 cup). Whether you buy fresh fruits or frozen varieties, including one to two servings of berries in your daily diet can go a long way for heart-healthy eating.
# 4 - Apples
Apples contain a bounty of heart-protecting nutrients and are a great snack for just about any time of the day. To no surprise, observational data suggests that those who consume apples regularly are at a lower risk of death from both cardiovascular disease and cardiac arrest [9]. As the adage goes, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."
Importantly, apples provide a generous amount of a flavonoid known as quercetin, which has been shown to reduce inflammation, decrease the risk of heart attack, and lower blood pressure [10].
# 5 - Fresh Seafood
Seafood, especially fatty fish, is the best place to find two essential omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFAs): eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These omega-3 fatty acids are widely regarded as "healthy fats" since they have been shown to lower LDL cholesterol and maintain healthy blood lipid profiles, which are primary biomarkers for heart disease risk factors [11].
The American Heart Association recommends consuming a combined 2–4 grams of EPA and DHA daily for healthy cardiovascular function and controlling blood pressure; this is the EFA content found in roughly three ounces of fatty freshwater fish (e.g. salmon, mackerel, and tuna). Alternatively, an omega-3 supplement can help you meet your daily needs of EPA and DHA.
# 6 - Spinach
Spinach, like other leafy green vegetables, is a dense source of water-soluble micronutrients (especially B vitamins). Studies suggest that vitamins B6, B9, and B12, all of which are plentiful in spinach, are crucial regulators of homocysteine levels in the body [12]. Homocysteine is an amino acid your body produces from methionine metabolism and is readily converted to L-cysteine or remethylated to methionine with assistance from the aforementioned B vitamins.
When those B vitamins are lacking in the diet, homocysteine levels increase, leading to chronic inflammation in vascular tissues that comprise blood vessels. Consequently, vitamin B deficiency may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis [13].
Also, note that frozen vegetables are just as nutritious as their fresh counterparts, so don't be afraid to buy some frozen spinach if you are worried about it going bad before you eat it all. Alternatively, if you're not a fan of spinach, a greens powder like Transparent Labs Prebiotic Greens is a convenient and easy way to increase your micronutrient and fiber intake.
# 7 - Brazil Nuts
Brazil nuts offer numerous health benefits due to their dense selenium and monounsaturated fatty acid content. In fact, one Brazil nut packs an average of 100 mcg of selenium, nearly twice the RDI for adults. A recent meta-analysis suggests that people with reduced plasma concentrations of selenium are at higher risk of heart disease [14].
Selenium is a trace mineral that works by binding to certain proteins in the body and creating selenoproteins that thwart platelet aggregation, lipid peroxidation, and inflammation [15]. It may seem expensive, but one pound of Brazil nuts will keep you covered for quite some time when all you need is one nut per day to promote heart health and lower disease risk.
#8 - Grapes (and Red Wine)
The health benefits of grape polyphenols, particularly those found in red and purple grapes, are quite extensive. Of the many polyphenol classes found in grapes, stilbenes like trans-resveratrol and flavonoids such as quercetin and apigenin tend to get most of the credit for improving heart and metabolic function. These are the putative antioxidants responsible for the blood pressure and cholesterol-lowering benefits of red wine [16].
But if you prefer red wine over eating grapes, don't get too carried away. More is not better. A six-ounce glass a day is likely the upper limit necessary for supporting heart health [17].
#9 - Pomegranate
Pomegranates contain a promising class of phytochemicals known as ellagitannins, notably a molecule known as ellagic acid. Multiple meta-analyses have found a significant protective effect of pomegranate (and pomegranate) juice towards heart health by reducing systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels, ostensibly due to its ellagitannin content [18, 19].
However, some researchers warn that isolated ellagic acid doesn't confer the same health benefits as the entire spectrum of phytochemicals in pomegranate [20]. As such, taking a pomegranate extract supplement that claims to have a high concentration of ellagic acid is not the same as consuming whole pomegranate fruit or pomegranate juice.
#10 - Almonds
Almonds are a powerhouse of nutrients, making them an invaluable component of a heart-healthy diet. They are abundant in monounsaturated fats, which are known for their ability to reduce LDL cholesterol levels—the type of cholesterol often linked to coronary artery disease [21]. Furthermore, almonds are rich in magnesium and manganese, minerals that are commonly lacking in modern diets.
Evidence suggests that daily almond consumption (1-2 servings) can significantly reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol while promoting the maintenance of HDL cholesterol, ultimately contributing to healthy cardiovascular function [22].
#11 - Dark Chocolate/Cocoa Powder
Dark chocolate (made from cocoa powder) offers a unique approach to enhancing cardiovascular health thanks to its high levels of flavonoids, specifically flavanols.
Studies indicate that cocoa flavanols contribute to improved endothelial function and increased production of nitric oxide, which aids in the dilation of blood vessels, thereby facilitating better blood flow and reducing blood pressure [23].
If you're not a fan of pure cocoa powder, opt for dark chocolate that contains at least 70% cocoa. Higher cocoa content correlates with increased levels of beneficial flavonoids. (Bear in mind that dark chocolate tends to be a calorie-dense food, so be careful not to overindulge.)
#12 - Sugar Beets
The sugar beet is a root vegetable containing a high concentration of dietary nitrates, compounds that the body converts into nitric oxide. Research indicates that dietary nitrates can aid in reducing blood pressure, thereby decreasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases [24].
Furthermore, sugar beets are a rich source of folate, iron, and potassium, each contributing to cardiovascular function. Folate, in particular, is necessary for homocysteine metabolism, with elevated levels of homocysteine being associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease [25]. Iron is indispensable for oxygen transport and energy production, whereas potassium is critical for maintaining fluid balance, supporting heart rhythm, and mitigating hypertension.
When buying sugar beets, choose fresh over canned/jarred varieties to avoid added sugars and syrups.
Avoid/Limit Processed Foods for Better Heart Health
Processed foods are, by definition, those that have been altered from their natural states through methods such as canning, dehydration, and aseptic processing. This alteration often involves the addition of sodium, sugar, synthetic fats, and artificial preservatives, which can collectively undermine cardiovascular health.
Consumption of these modified foods has been extensively linked with an increased risk of coronary heart disease, owing to their propensity to elevate blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and promote endothelial inflammatory responses [26].
For example, sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite are frequently used as food additives in deli meat to preserve freshness and prevent bacteria from forming. Sodium nitrite is a known precursor of carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds [27].
In the same sense that monosodium glutamate is a source of glutamate, sodium nitrate is a source of nitrate. Controversy persists over the adverse health effects of consuming cured meats in large amounts, but current empirical evidence favors limiting their intake whenever possible [28].
A Heart-Healthy Diet Is a Life-Extending Diet
There is no shortage of evidence that combining a heart-healthy eating plan with regular exercise can significantly reduce resting heart rate, lower blood pressure, and improve blood lipid profiles, especially in individuals at risk of heart disease and stroke [29].
Ironically, many gym-goers and athletes focus purely on getting as ripped and muscular as possible at the expense of neglecting their heart (which is a muscle). It goes without saying that an unhealthy heart will quickly outweigh the advantages of looking a certain way. Frankly, a heart-healthy diet is also a life-extending diet.
The twelve heart-healthy foods listed above will add plenty of antioxidants, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and monounsaturated fats to your diet, all of which can help lower the risk of heart disease and support cardiovascular function.
If you struggle to eat a good amount of fruits and vegetables daily, or you're not a fan of seafood like salmon, mackerel, and tuna, it may be prudent to add a supplemental source of antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids to your regimen.
Krill Oil is an excellent supplement that will promote cardiovascular health. But remember, dietary supplements will not make up for poor nutrition habits or lack of exercise (which are integral components of a heart-healthy lifestyle).

Eating more foods that are good for your heart is a great start, but exercise plays a key role as well, so don't forget to move your body and work up a sweat!
And if you're an avid bodybuilder that's afraid of doing cardiovascular exercise for fear it will impede muscle growth, think again; research suggests just the opposite. Read more here: Does Cardio Build Muscle?